Wednesday 3 June 2015

Training elders

At the FIEC Leaders’ Conference last year I interviewed Andy Weatherley about the ways he was training up men to become elders in his church as part of a wider training program. In essence it’s about getting together to read through some cherry-picked resources and then to work through a questionnaire in a 1-to-1 setting. Simple, but effective.

I asked him to jot down the details:

We’ve taken about 4 guys through the process so far and another 3 on the way at the moment. It works well as an intense reading group - we meet in the pub for 2 hours once a month to discuss each of the below. It really helps us to see what their heart is all about. The material we cover is:
“The Pastor as Counsellor”  - David Powlinson
and Tripp

Attached is our questionnaire for prospective elders too. Questions nicked from all over the place. The questionnaire is a one-on-one thing at the end of the process - I’ve only done this with 3 guys so far but it’s so helpful to expose heart sins before we get them on leadership. I also get new elders to do Strengthsfinder and the Keirsey personality test so we understand what their strengths are and how we might interact as a team. Alongside that they sit in on elders meetings for a year before being voted on by the church.