articles, reviews, etc.

Powerpoint overview of Leeman's Political theology:  Handout:  
Can a Pastor Truly Be a Scholar or ‘Public’ Theologian? A Review Article on Two Recent Books

“‘Then I Proceeded to Where Things Were Chaotic’ (1 Enoch 21.1): Mapping the Apocalyptic Landscape” in Paul and the Apocalyptic Imagination (Minn.: Fortress, 2016), .

“Romans 4 and the Justification of Abraham in Light of Perspectives New and Newer,” Themelios 40:1 (2015)

 “Apocalyptic and Covenant: Perspectives on Paul or Antinomies at War?” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 36 (2013): 155-171.

“Converted Imaginations? The Reception of Richard Hays’ Intertextual Method.” Currents in Biblical Research 11 (2013): 234-245.