Don Carson’s preface to his Collected Writings on Scripture (Apollos, 2010) mentions a forthcoming two-volume work due to be
published in 2012 and featuring no less than 36 authors: “Tentatively entitled The
Scripture Project, the set aims to work through fundamental biblical,
theological, historical, and philosophical issues related to the doctrine of
Never having heard of this, I
went searching. I discovered an updated title - “But My Words Will Never Pass Away”: The
Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures – and an
expanding list of expected publication dates: 2013, 2014, 2015. I also found a
list of contributors:
D. A. Carson (editor), Charles Hill,
Glenn Sunshine, Rodney L. Stiling, John Woodbridge, Tom McCall, Bradley N. Seeman, Anthony N. S. Lane, Robert Kolb, David Gibson, Stephen Dempster, V. Phillips Long, Simon J. Gathercole, Peter. J. Williams, Graham Cole, Peter Jensen, Henri Blocher, Alex G. Smith, Harold Netland, Barry G. Webb, Mark Thompson, Osvaldo Padilla, Craig Blomberg, Douglas J. Moo, Andrew David Naselli, Kevin Vanhoozer, James Beilby, R. Scott Smith, Michael Rea, Paul Helm, Richard Lints, Kirsten Birkett, Te-Li Lau, Ida Glaser, Timothy Tennent, Bruce K. Waltke, Dan Doriani
Hopefully it will be published
this year. As a foretaste, a number of the authors recently spoke at the Evangelical
Free Church of America Theology conference. The audio is all available online
(details below).
Conference Sessions: The
Doctrine of the Scriptures
Carson, Introduction to the Present-Day Discussion (Audio)
Woodbridge, The History of Biblical Authority: Nine Pointers (Audio)
Vanhoozer, Inerrancy and Hermeneutics (Audio) (PowerPoint)
Philips Long, Competing Histories, Competing Theologies, and the Challenge
of Old Testament Interpretation (Audio) (PDF)
Moo, The New Testament Use of the Old Testament (Audio) (PowerPoint)
Discussion - D.A. Carson, John Woodbridge, Douglas Moo (Audio)
Cole, The Theology of Canonicity: Why a Book, Why this Book, Why this
Sequence of Books within the Book (Audio)
Discussion - Graham Cole, V. Philips Long, Daniel Doriani (Audio)
Doriani, Scripture in the Life of the Pastor (Audio) (PowerPoint)